This is xPerm.History, the log file for the development of the xPerm package for efficient manipulation of large permutation groups. Jose M. Martin-Garcia (c) 2003-2008. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Main development of xPerm.nb: Mar - Oct 2003. Main development of xperm.c: Jun - Aug 2003. Main testing: Sep 2003 - Feb 2004. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.4.0: * Released 3 March 2004. *** Version 1.1 of CVS *** 5 March 2004 *** 0.4.1: - Added function NotationOfPerm - Mathematica canonicalization algorithms now do not use ToSign/FromSign anymore. The C-coded algorithms still use them. - Improved verification of presence of opposite sign permutations in DoubleCosetRepresentative. - Changed treatment of KD in DoubleCosetRepresentative. *** Version 1.2 of CVS *** 17 March 2004 *** - The xperm.c code uses double pointers in scherier_sims to allow for local reallocation of memory. Eliminated mMAX. - Removed many blank lines. *** Version 1.3 of CVS *** 18 March 2004 *** - Changed version number. * Released 23 March 2004. *** Version 1.4 of CVS *** 24 March 2004 *** 0.4.2: - Added definition for GenSet on StrongGenSet. *** Version 1.5 of CVS *** 5 April 2004 *** - Removed global symbols used in the MathLink connection. *** Version 1.6 of CVS *** 15 April 2004 *** * Released 15 April 2004. 0.4.3: - PermutationFromTo rewritten. Now elements of lists can be repeated. * Released 12 April 2004. 0.4.4: - Compatibility code mathmain was missing in the template. Now it has been directly included. Thanks to Paolo Matteucci for spotting this! * Released 28 August 2004. 0.4.5: - Eliminated ALPHAlMAX limitation of xperm.c. - Introduced MinB, PermOrderedQ and PermSortB to work with arbitrary bases. - Eliminated KSubsets because it is no longer needed. - Introduced function FromBaseImage. - Introduced functions BasicOrbit and BaseChange. - BaseOfDummySet changed to SGSOfDummySet. - Introduced MovePairOf and JoinSGS. - Stabilizer, SchreierOrbit and SchreierOrbits now also admit SGS as input. - Added option OrderedBase for DoubleCosetRepresentative. *** Version 1.9 of CVS *** 10 September 2004 *** - Simplified SchreierOrbits on SGS input. - CosetRepresentative now uses InversePerm only at the beginning and end. - Introduced function listof. - Added Reverse function in MovePairOf when selecting a down-index of a pair. *** Version 1.10 of CVS *** 1 October 2004 *** - Important change in CosetRepresentative: it now imitates Canon's behaviour, returning the representative and the new free indices positions and the new strong generating set for S. This avoids repetition of tasks in CanonicalPerm (for example hPerm is no longer required). - Introduced function LessB. PermOrderedQ and PermOrderedBQ merged. PermSort now admits a base as second argument. *** Version 1.11 of CVS *** 19 October 2004, Potsdam *** *** Version 1.12 of CVS *** 20 October 2004, Potsdam *** - Introduced General:: messages and some Throw messages - Small recoding of some very basic routines likee PermQ or PermDeg. - Main cycle of DoubleCosetRepresentative now goes through every member of bS, and not all but the last as it was before. This solves a problem with the all-free-indices case. *** Version 1.13 of CVS *** 25 October 2004, Potsdam *** - OrderedBase option moved to its right place. *** Version 1.14 of CVS *** 16 November 2004 *** * Released 8 December 2004. 0.4.6: - Changed context xPerm` to xAct`xPerm`. *** Version 1.15 of CVS *** 6 December 2004 *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Modified to put variables in the context xAct`xTensor`Private. *** Version 1.16 of CVS *** 6 March 2005 *** * Released 6 March 2005. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.5.0: - Added SymmetryArray and CanonicalComponent. - Modified Part. - Added SymmetryReplace. - Added SignPermuteList. It should be combined with PermuteList. - Section on tableaux dropped from xPerm.m. - Added free(ALPHA) to xperm.c. The memory allocated for ALPHA was not being freed. - Added check in SymmetryReplace to avoid changing a component determined by symmetry solely. *** Version 1.17 of CVS *** 9 January 2006 *** *** Version 1.18 of CVS *** 9 January 2006 *** - Modified behaviour of FromBaseImage - Added function PermWord - Added functions DeleteRedundantGenerators - Corrected Stabilizer: it was not using all relevant points. - Added function RandomPerm. - Added section on "small" sporadic simple groups in xPermDoc. - Changed RiemannSymmetry to RiemannSymmetric. - Added function PairSymmetric. - All arrays are now dynamically declared in xperm.c. This was making xperm crash due to memory limitations of the stack. Thanks to Kasper Peeters for spotting this problem and correcting it. - Added functions MathLinkOrbit and MathLinkOrderOfGroup. 3 June - Added BaseChange in Mathematica code for CosetRepresentative. I'm not sure this is really required, but just in case. - Changed algorithm to compute bSsort in xperm.c. *** Version 1.19 of CVS *** 6 July 2006 *** * Released 6 July 2006. 0.5.1: 1 Oct - Added message "Found Infinity as a point..." *** Version 1.20 of CVS *** 23 November 2006 *** * Released 23 November 2006. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.6.0: 2 Apr - Fixed tiny memory leak in xperm.c. 22 Apr - Deactivated sector on SymmetryArray et al. 15 May - Reorganized welcome messages in all of xAct. 3 Jun - Overloading of Equal, Less, etc. removed. Now there are functions PermEqual, PermLess, etc. - Notebook has been colored with the style of xTensor. 9 Jun - Updated file ButlerExamples.nb. - Separated PermLength from PermDeg. - Introduced function SetStabilizer to do setwise stabilization. 10 Jun - Changed output of PermWord. Now the residue is simply the first permutation of the word. This is easier to manipulate. 20 Jun - Added pair Search/Generate to do back-tracking. 21 Jun - Added SetNumberOfArguments definitions. 22 Jun - Overloaded SetStabilizer with definitions on SGSs. 25 Jun - DoubleCosetRepresentative slightly reorganized. It now only uses iperm, and not also perm. 28 Jun - Major update of xperm.c to include multiple dummysets and multiple repeatedsets. 29 Jun - SymmetryArray stuff dropped from xPerm.m (not from xPerm.nb). 8 Jul - Translate changed to TranslatePerm to avoid conflict with the new Mathematica function Translate in version 6.0. - CosetRepresentative changed to RightCosetRepresentative. - Transversal changed to RightTransversal. - Now RightCosetRepresentative and DoubleCosetRepresentative behave exactly as given by Renato. - Lots of examples changed accordingly. Now the notebook is easier to read. 9 Jul - Internal notation of permutations inverted to agree with that of Portugal et al. Still, to allow backwards compatibility, the function canonical_perm still uses the old notation. Now the explanations in xPermDoc.nb are much simpler. 4 Aug - Added a check at the end of canonical_perm to avoid inverting a zero permutation. *** Version 1.21 of CVS *** 5 August 2007 *** * Release 14 August 2007. 0.7.0: 21 Sep - Compiled xperm.c with cygwin using Mathematica 6.0. Finally! 22 Sep - xPerm.nb is now prepared to read 27 Oct - Directory xPerm added to the CVS repository. 3 Nov - Definition of Ordering transferred to xCoba. * Release 6 November 2007. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.0: 17 Feb - $MathLink renamed $xpermQ. - PowerPermute rewritten with internal remembered values. - Fixed a potential bug in xperm.c in the use of list usedpoints in schreier_vector. Highly unlikely this was a problem. Thanks to Kasper Peeters for finding this using valgrind. 18 Feb - Functions ToCycles, FromCycles, ToSign, FromSign made private. 26 Feb - RepeatedSet now accepts sets of length 1. This is to handle to component indices properly. 27 Feb - There are two calls to stabilizer in which the result is written on the same memory area of the input. Harmless. - CanonExamples.nb updated and improved. 28 Feb - Removed argument ob from xperm.c. Now OrderedBase is handled at the level of (MathLink)CanonicalPerm and DoubleCosetRepresentative. This is much clearer. Bases are never reordered; we simply fill space with intermediate integers. 2 Mar - Input in CanonicalPerm and canonical_perm_ext for the D group is now given in terms of indices, and not in terms of slots. I should have done this long time ago. 3 Mar - xPermDoc.nb reexecuted for 1.0 release. *** Version 1.23 of CVS *** 3 March 2008 *** 4 Mar - MathLinkCanonicalPerm, MathLinkSchreierSims and MathLinkOrbit replaced by an option MathLink in CanonicalPerm, SchreierSims and Orbit. Option MathLink transferred from xTensor to xPerm. 5 Mar - Removed stupid variable $xPermRules. - Updated and reexecuted ButlerExamples.nb. *** Version 1.24 of CVS *** 5 March 2008 *** * Release 5 March 2008, exActly 4 years after first public version! 1.0.1: 23 Mar - MLOrbit and MLSchreierSims now also accept negative permutations. - Introduced function PermSignature. 1.0.2: 8 Aug - PermutationFromTo now accepts lists with any head. - Default xperm executable for Mac from Barry Wardell. * Release 11 August 2008. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.3: 5 Apr - SGSs given by Symmetric, Antisymmetric and RiemannSymmetric now return all points, instead of all but the last (Tensors). - Added obvious definition of Dimino on SGSs. 17 Jun - Discriminate pre6 versions in linux, linking to xperm.linux or xperm.linux.pre6 as needed. 9 Aug - Added Permute[perm_, 0]:=0 and Permute[0, perm_]:=0. 9 Sep * Release 9 September 2009. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.0: 10 Feb - Added code for backtrack search in xperm.c. This allows computing set-stabilizers at last. 15 Sep - The option Mathlink always defaults to $xpermQ. 30 Sep * Release 30 September 2010. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.1: 29 Jan - Temporary fix for the conflicts with Mathematica 8.0 by adding the three conflicting symbols before loading the package: xAct`xPerm`Cycles, xAct`xPerm`Permute and xAct`xPerm`RightCosetRepresentative. CyclicGroup renamed as cyclicGroup. 15 Mar - MathLinkSchreierSims returns the same perm notation as the first permutation in the input GS. 12 Apr - SetStabilizer returns result in input notation, instead of Images. - TraceSchreier accepts now 0 orbits and returns the ID if trying to move points that are not moved by group. Suggested by Thomas. - In Mathematica 8 the product of permutations in cyclic notation is performed using PermutationProduct. - recompiled with a newer version of cygwin. Now it needs cygwin1.dll and cyggcc_s-1.dll. 13 Apr - As suggested by Thomas, NotationOfPerm[GenSet[]]=Cycles. 17 Apr * Release 17 April 2011. 27 Apr - Added both xperm.linux.64-bit and xperm.linux.32-bit. Thanks to Michal Dobrski for providing the latter. * Rerelease 27 April 2011. 1.1.2: 10 Jul - Added IfMathematicaPre8 to define functionality present in Mma8. - xPerm.nb reexecuted. * Release 15 July 2011. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.3: 28 Apr - As suggested by Thomas, Stabilizer returns bases not including the stabilized points. * Released 5 May 2012. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.0: 19 Jan - Tests now hardwire the result, to check them more easily. - Symmetric and Antisymmetric are now inert, as in Mma9. - Reworked the version-dependent code. Function IfMathematica789. - Renamed Permute -> PermProduct and PowerPermute -> PermPower, by analogy with Mma8's PermutationProduct and PermutationPower. - PermLength in SetStabilizer now takes into account the base, as recommended by Thomas. - We now use xperm.mac compiled by Teake, valid for all Mma versions from 6 to 9. * Released 27 January 2013. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.1: 25 Jan - Replaced .win executable by the .win32 and .win64 executables provided by Thomas. 28 Apr - Added Kernel/init.m. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Released 15 February 2014. 1.2.2: 21 Sep - Thomas adds various new functions in xperm.c. * Released 28 September 2014. 1.2.3: 22 Dec - Replaced linux xperm executable with a statically linked version provided by Barry Wardell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Released 23 August 2015. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018 -----------------------------------------------------------------------